If you haven’t heard of it, don’t worry, we’re here to help. Simply put, it’s our new era of advanced technology that goes beyond its predecessor, the 3rd industrial revolution of computerization.
Ludites beware, we’re already well into this revolution, and its driving force is automation.
Isn’t it Just Another Step in the Previous Revolution?
No, this industrial revolution is distinct from the computerization era due to its breakneck speed and monumental impact. It’s not just about putting processes onto the computer anymore; it’s about getting those computers and their programs we set up in the previous era to start talking to each other and doing our work for us.
This revolution is about the Internet of Things and the Internet of Systems.
For the uninitiated, the Internet of Things (IoT) is about machines holding full conversations and making decisions without any human having to make an input on what’s happening.
On lexico.com, it’s defined as:
The interconnection via the Internet of computing devices embedded in everyday objects, enabling them to send and receive data.
Should I Be Worried About Automation?
Only if you’re not bothering with learning about and investing in the new technologies this era has to offer but seeing as you’re reading a blog that talks about how to stay on top of digital marketing trends, you’re probably on the right track.
As a private citizen, that question gets more complicated. It really all depends on how this revolution is handled.
Like with a lot of technological progress, it has the potential to either raise everyone up, or create a further divide between the haves and have-nots. Automation does have the potential to eliminate jobs, which unless done with care, could create serious issues. Automation’s role only works for us when it phases out dangerous, harmful, and/or menial labour and allows for people to focus more on higher order concerns and their passions.
I won’t go too far into it, because then this will become more of a philosophical and economic debate, but suffice to say, we have to focus on people as we make advances in this kind of technology so as not to leave people behind and create a greater divide between the rich and the poor.
The automation of jobs is just one application of this 4th industrial revolution and is the darkest side of it. The brighter sides are the potential it has in things like emergency systems communicating with each other to help better prepare us for natural disasters through modes of communication so much faster than humans are capable of and making daily processes easier and more efficient.
What Should I Do About Automation?
If you’re a business owner, you should be investing in your technical infrastructure and data analytics. See how you can implement automation in your business, whether it’s through AI, chatbots, or another technology we have yet to conceive of!
If you’ve started to implement automation in your business, we’d love to hear about it. Or, if you’re looking to implement it in your own business, contact us, and find out about how we can help you and your business become an active part of the 4th industrial revolution.