Spurred on by COVID-19 restrictions, working remotely has become more common than ever. Even with said restrictions being fully lifted in many areas, some businesses are opting to keep their employees working remotely (at least partially) moving forward. According to an article from Vox, By 2025, some 70 percent of the workforce will work remotely at least five days a month.
Certain workers will thrive in this environment as working from home theoretically allows you to spend more time with family, work flexible hours, and cuts down commute time and money spent on gas.
Others will not. Despite the benefits, remote work can also have negative effects on the mental and physical health of employees. Advancements in video calling technologies can help with effective communication, but they are no replacement for the human interaction most of us need to avoid feelings of loneliness.
In terms of physical health, many people do not have the proper tools, materials, or space in their homes to create an ergonomic and health-conscious setup. This can lead to problems for their backs, joints, eyes, and more.
As an Employer, How Can You Mitigate These Issues?
- Empower your remote workers with the tools to succeed
What items do your employees need to make their home office a safe and enjoyable place to work? Consider creating a budget for employees to purchase desks, chairs, or other necessities. If you previously provided these materials in an office setting, let your workers bring some items home with them to save on costs.
- Encourage non-work-related interaction
In an office setting, there is often a time for co-workers to mingle and discuss events that aren’t directly related to work like sports, television, or what they got up to over the weekend. Set some time in your week to allow your employees to interact with each other in a stress-free environment. You can achieve this through several different methods. For example, scheduling an in-person team-building event or using the last 15-30 minutes of a Friday for a don’t talk about work meeting/ huddle.
- Empathy: Be flexible, be patient
Working from home can create issues for processes that were previously streamlined. What once took a simple walk across the office can now take several emails and a meeting. While it is necessary to find balance and work to fix these hiccups, it’s important to be patient in the interim. Focus on finding new ways to streamline your processes for remote work rather than holding fast to procedures that were designed for office work.
- Offer opportunities for employees to work together in person
Some employees are motivated by working alongside others. Offering in-person working days by renting a room in a co-working space is a great way to give employees the option to work in person if they so choose. Remember the days of Group studying and how that created momentum. This can certainly develop a sense of belonging and harmony.
- Open your lines of communication
Communication is key, especially when working remotely. Employees won’t be able to catch you in the halls or visit your office now so making yourself available online is the best way to ensure you are aware of how projects are moving forward.
How Can Employees Contribute to Their Delight While Working from Home?
- Creating a new commute
A morning commute can become a necessary part of your daily routine while preparing for work. Working from home may seem enticing for the lack of commute but you may find yourself missing it (or aspects of it at the very least) once it’s gone. It may be a good idea to come up with a new activity to help you collect your thoughts and prepare for the workday. Some examples can include going for a morning walk, taking a short drive around the block, or doing simple workouts.
- Make an at-home office
The home office has many different appearances from a fully furnished room to a corner of the kitchen table. It can be tricky to create a fully functional space for yourself depending on the space available to you but there are a few key factors you’ll want to implement.
- Separate your workspace from your living space.
- Avoid excess noise where possible (put your office somewhere with little auditory distractions).
- Set yourself up ergonomically (check out this fact sheet from the Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety for a list of tools to help in this regard).
- Make your space enjoyable with plants, figurines, photos, posters, or other features that will liven things up.
- Go outside
It’s proven that sunlight can increase your serotonin levels and can help you avoid Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD). It’s important to remember to go outside when possible. This will improve your mood which will not only make the workday more enjoyable but can also help speed up your workflow.
- Separate your personal time from your work time
It’s tempting to feel like you should be working even after hours once your office is in your house. Don’t put yourself in a position where you aren’t able to take time for yourself. Schedule your time efficiently and make sure you can log out for the day without feeling pressured to return to your desk later just because you can. A great way to accomplish this is by keeping your office in an area that can be closed off or hidden so it feels detached from your living space. By separating your time, you improve your work-life balance and encourage your sense of purpose during work hours.
- Use your breaks and lunches
Mental health is a major factor to take into consideration when working remotely. It can be difficult to remember to take breaks or lunches when you’re at home, but they are necessary. Schedule your breaks into your workdays and take advantage of them. It’s important to allow yourself time to decompress.
Employee delight is a cornerstone of any business that hopes to be successful. With remote work becoming more and more popular, employers and workers will need to make changes to reach their delight goals.