Social Media Marketing Tips

Generate Leads And Get Results Using Instagram and Twitter. Read Our Top Social Media Marketing Tips!


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In the digital age, marketing and social media go hand-in-hand. To ensure that you reach your target audience, you need to choose the right social platform to showcase your business and its products/services.
As visual marketing (photos, images, and videos) becomes more popular, photo-sharing social media platforms like Instagram can be used to encourage customer engagement and drive traffic to your website.

Best Practices For Instagram Marketing

Instagram Marketing

Instagram allows users to personalize pictures by adding filters, descriptions, locations, and hashtags. Users can then share those photos with their followers.

Create An Instagram Profile For Your Business: Optimize your Instagram business profile to show consumers what your brand is about. It’s important to customize your profile so it’s instantly recognizable as your official brand account. You should post your logo, pictures of your products, photos from business events, and share photos of your products in-action.

Create An Instagram Profile For Your Business: Optimize your Instagram business profile to show consumers what your brand is about. It’s important to customize your profile so it’s instantly recognizable as your official brand account. You should post your logo, pictures of your products, photos from business events, and share photos of your products in-action.

Connect Your Social Profiles: Don’t forget to connect your Facebook, Twitter, and other social profiles to your Instagram account. That way, your Instagram followers can follow you on the other social platforms they frequent.

Write Engaging Descriptions: Instagram allows users to add descriptions to photos. Write engaging image descriptions that not only describes the image, but sparks engagement and sends a positive message about your business.

Use Hashtags: Make use of hashtags related to your industry and create branded hashtags that are unique to your company. This will allow consumers to look for and organically discover posts related to your industry and business.

Best Practices For Twitter Marketing

Twitter Marketing

Make Your Twitter Profile Appealing: Make your profile easy to find with a simple username (your company name, if it’s available). Customize your Twitter page with your brand’s logo and branded graphics so it’s easily recognizable as your official account.

Add Attractive Visual Content: Visual content gets more attention than simple text. If you want your messages to get noticed and retweeted more often, regularly share videos and images.

Use Appealing Words: Take advantage of words that draw consumers in, such as: please, free, check out, how to, and tips. These words encourage readers to click on the link you’re sharing and retweet.

Ask Questions: People love to share their opinions, so give them a chance to express their feelings. To keep things focused on your business, stick to questions related to your niche audience or industry.

Provide Answers: Make a list of the most common industry-related questions or issues asked by consumers. Answer these questions and attach related hashtags so consumers can find your tweets. This will show consumers that you’re an expert in your industry.

Share Quality Content: Don’t always try to sell your products or services. Share and provide useful information that consumers will want to read, and source other online resources.

Maximize Your Social Media Presence To Generate Leads Contact Measure Marketing Today

Modern consumers are always connected to the internet, and they expect to quickly find brands and information about the products/services they’re interested in online. When used correctly, Twitter and Instagram can be highly-targeted lead generation channels for your products/services by making your company easier to find, follow, and learn about. This increase in searchability and higher level of brand awareness will lead to a healthy stream of revenue for your business and give you an edge over your competition. As the internet and social media continue to revolutionize the way consumers shop and learn about brands, can you afford to miss out on expanding your company’s online presence?

Contact the digital and social media marketing experts at Measure Marketing to fuel your marketing and get results. Call us at 1.888.569.3032 for a FREE consultation.

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