Email marketing is far from dead. It is still an effective way to engage your customers and to get more business. However, when it’s not managed effectively, your emails can start to annoy the very people you are trying to attract. Here are five tips that will help you build an email marketing campaign that will get you the results you need:
Have a purpose in mind.
It is important that you know exactly what you want to achieve with your email marketing. When you have a clear goal, you are better able to focus your emails, making them more effective.
Make your customers want to read it.
Always keep in mind the burning question on everyone’s mind: “What’s in it for me?” Make sure that the content of your email is relevant and interesting to your target audience. It is also a good idea to throw in some extra goodies like a contest or a special deal as a reward for reading your email.
Be friendly. Since the main purpose of an email marketing strategy is to build relationships with your customers, it is important that your tone is warm and friendly. It is also a good idea to send out a welcome email to make them feel like they are part of a community and to let them know what to expect.
Make it attractive. The way that your email looks will have a huge impact on whether or not people open it. If the layout looks good and you include lots of bright images, more people will read it. It is also important that the colours and layout you use are consistent with your brand and that it looks good on mobile devices.
Know the law. The Canadian Anti-Spam Legislation requires businesses to get permission before sending emails and also includes a variety of other stipulations. To avoid hefty fines, make sure that your email marketing strategy is in compliance with CASL.
The secret to an effective email marketing campaign is in always remembering that you are trying to connect with your customers. When you base all of your decisions on your customers’ needs and on building that relationship, you won’t go wrong. If you need help creating your email marketing strategy, call us 1.888.569.3032!